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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The girl who does not wash her ​​hair

How do you imagine the life of this girl that never has not bathed since
Her birth because of illness suffered by It Alheidrovobaa any fear or terror of water. A disease
Injured myself so afraid of approaching to the pools or swimming pools, bathing and even drinking
God keep us safe and sound, which Aptllagha

حيوان الشيب...الذي يبكي بعدما يقتل

ولادة طفل من تحت التراب

حيوان الشيب.. حيوان يبكى عندما يقتل

اول سمكة قرش براسين

اكتشاف صخره بها جثة ديناصور متحنط فى المانيا

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