?What is the best place to visit

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Chinese restaurant hanging on the brink of Mount

People restaurants usually take as a place of tranquility and filtering of mind, but that the restaurant becomes a place for suicide, this is what can not imagine. "Fang Ling," This is the name of the most dangerous restaurant in China, which has been built up a cliff in the city of Zhang Liang without columns, which was suspended in the air on the brink of this rocky mass grave. The site said the " Central," that despite the seriousness of presence in this restaurant, but the scenery wonderful located there pushing people from all over the world to go to him, and the lover of mountaineering enjoy a lot eating a hot meal after a trip trouble long unlike any another mountain which rely on only preserved food. The site that the restaurant Fang Ling runs the length of 30 meters on the brink of the mountain, also consists of a long bridge and a main kitchen and one responsible for the preparation and presentation of food for each of praying to him by plane or by climbing the mountain, stressing that the restaurant is worth suffering for visit and to him, even if one died from the large number of fear.

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