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Monday, April 8, 2013

A man discovers a dangerous secret in his daughter's grave

There was a man who loves his daughter so much he has no other, and one day hit by diseaseLed to her death, when his daughter was buried down with her to the grave did not want to leave some men from the grave, and then returned to the house and did not leave him a long time, So the neighbors mourning ceremony and paid all costs, and wanted to give them whatThey paid, and the search for his wallet and did not find it anywhere, consider that it may have dropped itWhen he entered the tomb with his daughter, then went to one of the Senate to ask him if he canThe descent of the grave to attend the purse, Sheikh said to him, nothing wrong in that
And when he went to the tomb of his daughter and take digging and digging and found the purse but!! What he sawIn the grave?? Tfajoh that his daughter is not found in the tomb, and then moments later he sawAppear again in the grave was her face and her knee and her feet and hands burned, and thenCame out of the tomb and went to the house in a state of surprise and tired
When he arrived home Nam of the severity of his labor, he saw his daughter in a dream and asked: Where were youWhen I entered the tomb? And why this burns? Replied: At a time in which it was revealedGrave Angels had taken me to hell to pray on a carpet of fire and so onEvery prayer time, he said: Why, my daughter takes you into the fire? Replied: Because IYou another my prayers please pray the prayer on time.(This is all because they were delayed prayer let alone those who do not pray what would be the punishment)

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