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Monday, April 8, 2013

A serious gap in the FB discovered by an Egyptian student, get to know them

Loophole "dangerous" on the social networking site "Facebook" was discovered by Egyptian students staying with his father in Saudi Arabia, which Karam put his name in the list of special honor with the "Facebook" and give him a reward of $ 5 thousand dollars, which is the highest value of the bonus granted by the site.The gap discovered by Mohammed Ahmed Nassar student  Negus Qassim region, a link when it is opened is penetrated your account, and if the page "Group" is penetrated managers of the page, and more seriously, it has been merged with the "location", making a normal page, steal your account once you get to it, according to the newspaper "Al-Watan" Saudi daily.He said Nassar: "The first thing I thought of when you discovery gap is a reporter the site, and they responded to two weeks later, have been classified loophole, as one of the strongest gaps, and added my name to the list of Whitehat, which includes experts cyber security in the world, who have discovered loopholes important in Facebook. "Nassar stressed he felt proud to be joining this list, referring to the hope that complements educated at one of the developed countries and works in one of the world's software companies.He added: "I began to deal with the computer since I was nine years old, and I was sitting in front of the Internet six hours a day, where you Mchgova this world, and then began to study different programming languages ​​
 even been able to deal with most of them."

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