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Monday, April 8, 2013

Convert Russian aircraft carrier to the huge hotel

Beijing recently announced a converted aircraft carrier "Kiev" to Soviet naval Hotel is the first of its kind in China. The Republic of China (PRC) has acquired "Kiev" in 1996, after he led the giant aircraft carrier to serve in the Soviet army for 20 years and according to the site vsluh. And immediately entrusted "Kiev" to a specialized company to modify the aircraft carrier converted into a luxury floating hotel in the water Chinese,   to achieve this goal nearly 15 million became one of the symbols of the Soviet military might to the Soviet symbol of comfort and relaxation with a private Chinese flavor. The company successfully supervising the floating hotel management to attract the largest possible count of tourists from within and outside China alike,   the great interest by businessmen and others expressed their  to spend holidays on board hotel Alasttnati. The boutique hotel has a 3 Presidential Suites area of ​​each and every one of them is about 400 square meters, will also feature 148 rooms are still in preparation, in addition to a large number of restaurants that will harbor and choice, international cuisine, including Russian. The hotel also features a large swimming pool and a sports club. This is due to be announced on the opening of the aircraft carrier - the hotel before the end of the year. Russia has sold to China 3 aircraft carriers, Beijing whale one Games to the city of a military nature, and is currently working on a third amendment also become a gambling casino in the foreseeable future. It is worth mentioning that the idea of ​​turning an aircraft carrier to the nightclub for gambling seems a translation of the idea of ​​the process, because the laws of many countries prohibit gambling Rodaha, forcing wishing to practice playing the money acquisition tickets on board a ship or a yacht sailing international waters, where not applicable laws of any of the States Vizzini these practice their favorite hobby without the fear of having committed any legal offense

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