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Monday, April 8, 2013

In breaking with tradition .. Pope Francis wash and accept the feet of a Muslim girl

Pope Francis Thursday, March 28 / March to the celebration of Easter, in an unusual way, in one of the prisons of Rome, when the oldest to wash and kiss the feet of young detainees, including a Muslim girl, and for the first time in history, according to Vatican Radio. The pope usually every year to wash the feet of the simple imitation of Christ. Bishop chose Buenos Aires Jorge Brguglao who was elected Pope of the Vatican recently and he took the name "Francis" role models   poor Francis , chose perpetuate the habit within the prison of events in the town Kzal, del Marmo outskirts of Rome. Francis Pope he came to doing that step "with all his heart as a priest and bishop." He told the boys and girls prisoners, saying: "Christ came to you to serve you, think about it carefully, are we really ready to serve others?". He added, "It's not about washing the feet of others, but that help each other," reminding them: "If our anger on one   this matter." The newspaper "Telegraph" the British that the Pope Francis break the tradition of the Church usual when the oldest to wash and kiss the feet of two young girls were among the prisoners who are aged between 14 and 21 years, which requires laws to allocate those rites for men, has never to ink the greatest wash the feet of women before. It was one of the two Muslim girls Serbian which is another violation of the tradition in Christianity, while the second was an Italian Christian. According to the newspaper "Times of India", ignited step Pope this debate between conservatives and Catholic adherents tradition on one side and liberals on the other, and denounced the first team Pope claiming that "role models questionable," while the group welcomed the second step, which he described cursor on more openness in the Catholic Church.

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